Throughout our website, our visitors are able to find important, relevant, and valuable free content in regards to international tax planning, offshore companies formation, asset protection, offshore bank account openings, and more.
If you would like to get personalized counseling, in regards to your specific tax situation, tax planning, tax counseling on an specific or multiple jurisdictions, including which jurisdiction would be the best solution for your specific needs, and much more, we provide our clients with Counseling Services where provide our clients which our knowledge and expertise on how to reduce taxes, which jurisdiction bets suits their, needs, offshore jurisdictions features like privacy, yearly maintenance requirements, and more.
Inquiries subject to counseling fee
All types of specific inquiries relating to offshore companies formation, offshore banking, international taxation, and more, will be subject to our counseling rate. Inquiries relating to, but not limited to, the following topics, will be subject to our counseling fee,
- Inquiries on how to reduce or not pay taxes in a specific jurisdiction.
- Confirmation if your planned strategy will work for your intended purpose, even if it is a yes or no inquiry.
- Comparison of tax benefits, and features, between offshore jurisdictions in tax havens.
- Exploring options to determine which set up or strategy benefits you.
Inquiries not subject to counseling fee
We totally understand that before engaging or hiring the services of a lawyer, corporate service provider, etc., you need to ask this lawyer about
Some inquiries not subject to our counseling fee include, but are not limited to:
- Our fees and timeframes, and requirements, for company formation, offshore banking, and counseling quotes.
- If you are interested in a specific jurisdiction because you have done your previous research, and before hiring our company formation service you would like to confirm certain information likelike: "I am a tax resident in country X, will I be subject to tax in country Y, and will country X find out about my ownership on country Y, etc"., as long as this inquiry is not one of those specified above as "inquiries subject to counseling fee". If we think your strategy is wrong, or lack truly important information, we will charge a counseling fee before providing our guidance.
Our Counseling Services
Our counseling services is aimed to those clients looking for a lawyer's guidance on:
Offshore companies formation and features.
International tax counseling.
Offshore bank accounts
Asset protection.
Trust set up.
and any other topic related to tax havens.
Our Counseling Rate
Our counseling rate goes from US$200 to US$300 per hour. Pricing will depend on the client's range of topic and complexity.
International Tax Counseling
What is international tax planning?
International tax planning is legally optimizing your individual and company tax bill by being aware of all the concepts involved in international taxation, use of tax havens, and understanding the local tax aspects and rules, as by truly comprehending these rules we can find a way to avoid paying taxes legally.
Some of the concepts and regulations in International tax planning involve, but are not limited to:
Tax residency for companies and individuals.
Worldwide and territorial tax systems.
Offshore Companies and Tax Havens.
Income and capital gains tax, and ways to reduce it or avoid it.
Withholding tax
Tax Information Exchange Agreements
Exit tax.
Controlled Foreign Companies (CFC Rules).
Economic Substance Requirements (ESR)
Transfer Pricing.
Tax treaties and treaty shopping.
Schedule your counseling session
Our counseling services will guide you through the international tax system to make sure your objectives match your tax objectives.
Counseling rate is US$300/hour and counseling can be provided via call or written report, and includes a broad range, from international tax counseling, to asset protection, offshore jurisdictions, offshore bank account options, and more.
Founder & CEO